Two Poems by Olaitan Humble


The ones carrying
sphyg & tourniquets

& cryometers & pyrometers
& syringes & gloves

& masks & respirators, unto
them is a tarp of honor

as pigeons in a
company of eagles, not dodmans

in a pride of lions. They
are the firefighters

of a burning world.

Mesmerising Uncertainty

Indoor, the cups are
half-filled with saliva.

One day, I will take
you to the riverside,
gather sands & leaves
alike, breathe your
names in them like a god
moulding a human in his
own image. Then you will

roam my poignant palm
with the blessings of
the breeze that blows
off the shyness of waters
from both of our faces,
wrapping yourself
around their waves,
becoming like
them, wielding energies,
premordial energies
legends spoke of. One minute,

I wish I existed centuries ago,
the next,
the floor be littered with many broken tales
of yesteryears & finally, a boy

lays his worries on a rug, waiting
for that which is yet to come in
mesmerising uncertainty.

Bio: Olaitan Humble is a Nigerian poet who likes to collect quotations and astrophotos. His poem, “For The Ones Who Never Returned” won Loudthotz Poetry Open Reading’s S11E03 Poem of the Month (March, 2020). He was shortlisted for EarnestWrites’ Poetry Prize Awards (2020). His works are featured and/or are forthcoming in Gabi Magazine, WanderLust, Cultural Weekly, The Quills, The Lens Media, First Gong, A Country of Broken Boys Anthology and elsewhere. He believes poetry heals better than time and tweets @olaitanhumble.

SAI Sabouke
Sai Sabouke is a writer living in New Bussa, Nigeria. He’s a dervish who sees Sufism, history and language as formidable tools for society regeneration. His writing has appeared in Praxis Magazine Online and Agbowo. Sabouke loves beans, coffee and dreams of roasting the entrails of vultures.