thoughts in moonlight | Iliya Kambai Dennis

thoughts in moonlight

i’m here waiting under the moonlight
thinking about the source of happiness

i’m here reading poetry like a broken lover
wandering if silence is a flower

dear lord, i hear solace is like the tip of an iceberg
from the abundance of your palace

where two lovers will never go to bed pressing
their phones instead of their bodies

Iliya Kambai Dennis hails from Kaduna state, Nigeria. His works have appeared on ARTMOSTERRIFIC, FERAL: a journal of poetry and art, Serotonin, Youth shades magazine, Afreecan Read, Praxis magazine, African writers, The African Writers Review, BPPC Anthologies, and elsewhere. He is the author of the poetry chapbook, Songs We Sing Before We Sleep. When he is not eating rice (love of his life) or drinking coffee, he is either writing, reading or watching movies. He tweets via @iliyakambai.

Featured image by Anna Civolani, Unsplash

SAI Sabouke
Sai Sabouke is a writer living in New Bussa, Nigeria. He’s a dervish who sees Sufism, history and language as formidable tools for society regeneration. His writing has appeared in Praxis Magazine Online and Agbowo. Sabouke loves beans, coffee and dreams of roasting the entrails of vultures.