ZODML POETRY PRIZE DECLARES 250,000 Naira As Prize Money For Participants

The ZODML poetry prize competition has been declared open for submission with the theme “Hopefulness” targeting public Nigerian Varsity students.

The competition whose windows for submission acceptance will close on the 31st of July, 2024 is said to accept poems that follow the declared rules and regulations such as:

  • Entries must be a single poem of not more than fifty lines, in font size 12 pt and font style New Time Roman or Arial.
  • The poem may be in English or any Nigerian language. A poem that is not in English must be translated into English by the participant.
  • All poems must be the original work of the participant.

For further information about the competition, click here👇


Hannah Omokafe Dennis
Hannah Omokafe Dennis Is A 24-year-old Journalist, Voice-Over artist and UNFPA Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights Advocate Living In Nigeria. She Currently Serves As A Community Manager In Konya Shamsrumi And Has Some Of Her Written Works Published On Writer's Space Africa and audio stories on Genti media. She Enjoys Using Words And Her Voice To Tell Stories. She Tweets @Omokafe_forite.