Voices Calls for Submission of Poems and Short Stories by Black Women

Voices is a poetic performance piece and artistic campaign. This is an urgent call for submissions of poems, short stories and monologues written by Black Women for all women and those who love them. Submission is also open for visual art.

•Share a story where you have used your voice to speak up against violence.
•What are ways that you have been silenced?
•What are stories that demonstrate examples of solidarity and transformational justice?
•What are visions for a world where women are loved holistically?
•Praise a woman or several women in your community that are often unheard or underrepresented.
•What is an example of when someone has shown you solidarity and how did they show it?
•Describe a story where a man in your life showed support or care holistically?
•Tell the history of a scar on your body.
•Describe the first time you stood up to someone who abused their authority.
•Share a story from the perspective of your lover’s arms.
•What is advice an elder woman has given you in your life that you have had to use and how was it useful?
•How has social media helped or hindered your voice?
Whose voices do you carry with you?
Tell us about a letter you never sent.
How are you stealing your body back?
What is power to you?
What are things you do in the dark?
Who are the women that have mothered you?
How would your mother describe you?
What do you want to scream to the world?
Sing us a song of resistance.
Describe the loss or grief and how you moved through it.
Speak in tongues.
What have others erased while you speak?
How do you make life out of death? -or- how do you make life?
When was the last time you felt safe?

All submissions must be created by Black women: cis women, transwomen, and non-binary people across the African continent and Diaspora. We welcome all written forms of storytelling: poems, monologues, short stories etc. All work must be unpublished original work and never before publicly performed. 1000 word max. Languages: English, Spanish, & French. For visual artists, we welcome all files in .jpg or .pdf format. (300 dpi or higher recommended)

Enter here to submit.

Submission deadline: December 31, 2020 11:59pm ET

SAI Sabouke
Sai Sabouke is a writer living in New Bussa, Nigeria. He’s a dervish who sees Sufism, history and language as formidable tools for society regeneration. His writing has appeared in Praxis Magazine Online and Agbowo. Sabouke loves beans, coffee and dreams of roasting the entrails of vultures.