Everything Here

I shout your name into the dark night A forest of shadows And there is no hyena around to respond Where are you!?

Fortunately for us, there is nothing short-sighted about ambition. It has given us the finest linen to dress our art, to hone it and, from within its walls, we have acquired new eyes akin to the kindness a second sight provides. . .

"Love potions are just aphrodisiacs Viagra is how many minutes of happiness?"

Pan-African poetry publishing collective releases videos of its just-published books—The Script of Bruises and The Other Names of Grief.

It started with Master KG’s Jerusalema, through which kids and adults, nurses and dancers grasped words, images and sounds of joy, which circulated like a wildfire on social media platforms. They danced to remember that life is joy, to find courage to keep on, to express resilience in a world contaminated by so many fears.