The masqueraders
They are—
Many things like stones frozen before us.
They run wild like loosed balls on a deck
Possessed, they say, of gods who never spoke a word.
These men are men only
Women are not fit for the mask that paints
only the magnificent splendor of exotic horror.
The masqueraders
If you look close enough are hallways of walls between two worlds.
And when we falter, they fall
Not to the earth but on us
They are the dictators.

Star Okpeh is a Nigerian Writer and Poet, Miombio’s Review Princess of African Poetry 2019 and author of The Dance of Dawn. Her works have appeared on journals, magazines and over twenty five anthologies.
Star is also a columnist with Konya Shamsrumi Press, former guest columnist with The Sun Newspaper, Cameroon and presently studies English Language at The University of Abuja. She is interested in Arabic, Textile Designing and Pan-Africanism.
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