Cafe 24 || Winner: Future Plans by Akumbu Uche

Future Plans By Akumbu Uche

Today burns with jealousy
When I tell her
All about my plans with you
Ever the grudge bearer,
Yesterday scoffs
It didn't work out between us;
What makes you think
You have a better chance with Tomorrow?

Akumbu Uche is a Nigerian writer who works across several genres. Her poems have been published by, or are forthcoming in Brittle Paper, Canthius, The Cincinnati Review, and Konya Shamsrumi. In 2022, she was a writer-in-residence at the Library of Africa and the African Diaspora (LOATAD) in Accra, Ghana. She is currently working on her debut poetry collection.

Hannah Omokafe Dennis
Hannah Omokafe Dennis Is A 24-year-old Journalist, Voice-Over artist and UNFPA Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights Advocate Living In Nigeria. She Currently Serves As A Community Manager In Konya Shamsrumi And Has Some Of Her Written Works Published On Writer's Space Africa and audio stories on Genti media. She Enjoys Using Words And Her Voice To Tell Stories. She Tweets @Omokafe_forite.