Apocalypse Now | a poem by Eve Lyons

Photo: Robin Frejd, Unsplash

Apocalypse Now

Apocalypse is a Greek word
that means uncovering.

There is a killer virus attacking blood vessels
There are killer wasps in California

And there are killer cops in Minneapolis,
in Georgia, in North Carolina,

pretty much wherever there are
white cops and black people.

All of these things terrify me
and all the people I know.

It’s never been safe to be black in this country
Now it’s not safe to be human.

My son just wants to play with his friends,
have dinners with other families, go out

to movies, on vacation.
Someday he’ll want to walk to the store

by himself, go running by himself.
Someday my white privilege will stop

protecting him. The Greek root of the word
apocalypse is revelation.

All has been revealed to us.
Will we still refuse to see?

Eve Lyons is a poet and fiction writer living in the Boston area. Her work has appeared in Lilith, Literary Mama, Hip Mama, Mutha Magazine, Word Riot, Dead Mule of Southern Literature, as well as other magazines and several anthologies. Her first book of poetry, Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World, was published in May of 2020 by WordTech Communications.

SAI Sabouke
Sai Sabouke is a writer living in New Bussa, Nigeria. He’s a dervish who sees Sufism, history and language as formidable tools for society regeneration. His writing has appeared in Praxis Magazine Online and Agbowo. Sabouke loves beans, coffee and dreams of roasting the entrails of vultures.