Young African Poets: OF Sami Yusuf’S Influence and Zaynab Iliyasu Bobi

“i will say graveyard

if asked of home ceasefire”

I was greatly influenced by Sami Yusuf’s My Only Wish.

“My only wish” by Sami Yusuf

When I was young, despite not knowing what poetry was, the lines stayed with me from the very first time I listened to the audio on my sister’s phone.

Many of my poems are influenced by Sami Yusuf’s poem because the first poem I wrote was about injustice.

Zaynab Illiyasu Bobi

Two Poems by Zaynab Iliyasu Bobi

Hannah Omokafe Dennis
Hannah Omokafe Dennis Is A 24-year-old Journalist, Voice-Over artist and UNFPA Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights Advocate Living In Nigeria. She Currently Serves As A Community Manager In Konya Shamsrumi And Has Some Of Her Written Works Published On Writer's Space Africa and audio stories on Genti media. She Enjoys Using Words And Her Voice To Tell Stories. She Tweets @Omokafe_forite.