While growing as a little girl, I found pleasure in looking at the sky.

Renowned author, Aminatta Forna, once said, “If you want to know a country, read its writers.” Perusing Christopher Okigbo’s literary works would teach you of Biafra—a mirage of a country. 

In 2023, my primary motivation was to express my frustration built up from a conflict of self-identity. I was (and still am) navigating this crisis: as the eldest son, a male child, and, in my parents' eyes as of 2017, something of a disappointment due to my decision to abandon my initial ambition of becoming a Catholic priest. I remember in 2017, after deciding not to continue with the vocation, I didn't gain admission to my preferred university to study the course I was passionate about (fortunately, I am now in the clinical year of that program).

Dennis Brutus (1924–2009) was a South African poet, educator, and anti-apartheid activist, renowned for his passionate resistance to racial injustice and his captivating poetry. Born in Harare, Zimbabwe, and raised in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Brutus was fueled by the circumstances surrounding his nativity and became a leading voice in the fight against apartheid during his time. His activism led to his arrest and imprisonment on Robben Island, where he was held alongside Nelson Mandela. 

Born in Maryland in 1990, Safia has lived a nomadic life, but she always identified deeply with her Sudanese roots, with Arabic as her first language. Living in America introduced her to a new language and culture and the tension between these worlds created a space where poetry became a tool for hybrid expression.

But I picked up the pieces, one by one, And slowly learned to let the healing begin. I found solace in the silence, and peace in the night, And slowly, I started to shine with new light.

We are curious to explore these expansive dynamics, and we will do this virtually and in-person in 3 days, from Thursday 14 - Saturday 16 November , 2024, with established and emerging poets  from across the world through Knowledge Diffusion Sessions, Poetry Master-classes, A Village of Languages, Panels/Readings and Feedback Sessions, the traditional Poetry Concert, a Poetry Party (poems apostle should not hear) and a Ride-for-Climate-Change activity with Jeje Riders.

I was a teenager still when I got to know grief personally. I would sit alone in my room reminiscing about the memories we shared & I would write poems that came right from the heart, unlike the rhymes I wrote, which I believe are more of intellect than expression.