Survivor by Adesiyan Oluwapelumi (Day 11 of KSR 31 Days of Poetry)

Life...what really is it? Is it a tale of survival? What are its many questions?

Life...what really is it? Is it a tale of survival? What are its many questions?

This is how we euphemise
the wreckful orchestra of panic
into a monologue but when being
a survivor means being the last to die.

At the refugee camp in Agadez,
bodies lay splintered & bruised,
their wounded hearts waiting
for the sickling hands of death.

We sit & death strikes, to say
everywhere is a grave & death
is always with us. Perhaps, we all
are displaced persons & the earth
a refugee camp. Then, where
is home? Home is where safety
resides & here, there are no
dwellings fitting for its habitation.

Still we call the earth a home
in the hope that we can christen
our grave the same way we name
our birthplace- womb. The truth is
this, we are too afraid to concede
to the forecasting clouds of death
before it actually rains.  What
scares a man most, if not the
thought of nothingness, of voice
receding like an echo into the depth
of a gorge? We fear the presence of
oblivion. We fear the aftermath.

Author’s Bio
Adesiyan Oluwapelumi,TPC XI,writes from Ibadan, Nigeria. He is the winner of the 2022 Cheshire White Ribbon Day Creative Competition & an Honourable Mention in the 2022 Starlit Winter Awards. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Kissing Dynamite, Icefloe Press, Lumiere Review, Eunoia Review, Asterlit, Visual Verse, and elsewhere. Find him on twitter @ademindpoems