Silent Ripples – Olanike Asake Crownway (Day 10 of KSR 31 Days of Poetry)

Our struggles and life's teasing. Don't we sometimes find ourselves praying like the persona in this poem?

Our struggles and life's teasing. Don't we sometimes find ourselves praying like the persona in this poem?

(after Su’eddie Vershima Agema’s ‘Incomplete’)

The ripples are silent
But the memories ring
Echoing loud and unbearable
I scream with my hands to my head
If only my screams could undo
The carelessness to which I lost you

Then I hear Olókun whisper to the sky
And the clouds let out a sigh
Here comes the trickles
To scatter the ripples

Wash over me, rain
Wash out my anxiety and despair
Let it flow back into the sea
Where these memories can remain silent
But not in my head.

Olanike Asake Crownway is a soulful poet, actress and lecturer full of deep inner strength and beauty. She loves music and at times when no one is really looking, transforms into one of the finest songbirds ever. She is the author of the fantastic poetry collection, Secrets in Solitude.