Black Poets: Michael Onsando

Michael Onsando

Micheal Onsando is a Kenyan jazz writer and poet. He is the co-founder of Brainstorm Kenya. He blogs at 

The space of desire is strange

What the space of desire, requires, inspires, within us
within us is strange.
How the space we desire, the moves are required
the people inspired – we’re strange.
How the strange, are required,
they look, they desire,
the space we require
it’s strange.
How the space we desire, inspires within us
the stranger, the danger,
we’re safe.
How the danger inspires, the stranger’s desire
the stranger, within us,
How the rage is required, within us, required
desire acquired is strange.
How the rage is acquired, the space is inspired,
the strangers required
for space
how the space that’s required, desired acquired
is nothing more much than a race.
How we chase, we inspire
the space we desire –
a space for desire
it’s strange.
What the space of desire, requires, inspires, within us –
within us is strange.

Star Zahra
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Star Zahra, a Nigerian poet and traditional textile artist, blends poetry and textiles to explore diverse themes through her concept of 'poetic patterning'. With a passion for cultural preservation and sustainability, she holds certifications in Media Communications and Art Strategy. She is a 2023 Doha Debate Ambassador. Her first poetry collection, The Dance of Dawn, was published at age 17. Her sophomore, Girls and the Silhoutte of Form, was published by Masobe Books in 2024.