Black Poets: Chris Abani

Chris Abani

Chris Abani was born in 1966 at Afikpo in Nigeria. He published his first work, a novel, while just 16. Involved in pro-democracy activism, he was imprisoned twice in the ’80s. He holds a Ph.D. in Creative Writing from the University of Southern California. He is a Professor of English at Northwestern University.


 What words can you wrap around
a dying brother, still dying, even now.
A man who has not eaten for a month
sips at water and says, even thirst is a gift.
He asks what other gifts God has given him.
I’m your gift, his daughter says from a corner.
And he smiles and rasps—
you can only unwrap a child once.
The rest is prayer and even more prayer.
You sing softly to him in a language
only the two of you speak and he
snores softly into your palm, breath and blood.

Star Zahra
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Star Zahra, a Nigerian poet and traditional textile artist, blends poetry and textiles to explore diverse themes through her concept of 'poetic patterning'. With a passion for cultural preservation and sustainability, she holds certifications in Media Communications and Art Strategy. She is a 2023 Doha Debate Ambassador. Her first poetry collection, The Dance of Dawn, was published at age 17. Her sophomore, Girls and the Silhoutte of Form, was published by Masobe Books in 2024.